Thursday, July 4, 2013

At a birthday celebration Barykina Presnyakov

It just so happened that the funeral singer hit, "I'll be a long ride a bicycle," coincided with the celebration of the 42 anniversary of Vladimir Putin. However cancel dinner for 70 people not in one of the fine restaurants in the capital Presnyakov. Celebrity guests who performed earlier in the day wreaths on the grave Barykina evening changed mourning clothes and appeared on a birthday celebration pop star. - Estimated cost of the banquet was about 500 thousand rubles - told Life Showbiz waiter served the event. - A set of dishes was exquisite. Guests prepared marble beef, fish, specially brought to the table, and snacks. Vladimir Presnyakov Despite luxurious gastronomic and alcoholic bouquet, guests were rather cautious. Expected parties in the style of "whiskey, sex and rock and roll" was not held. From their homes when invited friends and stood up to congratulate the birthday. Mixed and wishes for health and happiness Presnyakov and then with memories of Barykin. - Today in my life, an unusual day - began his greetings Alexander Marshall. - We buried Barykina Alexander, and now have a birthday Vovk. You understand that we are living on the edge? Man makes plans, and because tomorrow may never come. After a touching speech by Alexander, took the microphone in hand, Larisa Dolina, who also shared their memories died from the artist. Ended with an impromptu concert party star guests and birthday boy himself, with his wife Natalia Podolsky.

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