Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Drobish Reznik and say what happened to Cinderella's wedding

Composer Victor Drobysh with songwriter Ilya Reznik prepare a new children's musical that. "The Magic of Cinderella wedding" provisionally as In essence, this show will be a sequel to the classic Cinderella story. As I said, Intermedia correspondent Ilya Reznik is a musical story unfolds after Cinderella married the prince, whom she met at the royal ball. "Young viewers will learn how was the wedding of Cinderella, as wicked stepmother, she wanted to stop, and the Fairy Godmother - on the contrary - to help, and it was, - planned the action of Mr. Resnick. - It is a completely new plant, similar to the fairy tale by Charles Perrault only be heroes. "Currently Ilya Reznik wrote the lyrics for the future performance, and Victor Drobysh back to America to work on the creation of music. Musical Show is planned for future concert season at one of the big cities.

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