Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rock musicians do not agree on the "Chart Dozen"

Musician of the festival "Chart Dozen" ambiguous judgments past distribution of elephants from "Nashe Radio" involved. Here's what musicians backstage ceremony is: Lapis Troubetzkoy, the winner in the "clip" - it's a format in rock music, and whether it needs to fulfill in order to receive the award? - In art, there is only the form and implementation, and the format - a subject close to the business area. We do not do business. We are not speculative handle. - Have you noticed any positive changes in rock music over the past year? - Yes. Look at us. Every day we are getting better, more interesting and more. Neofuturizm revived. - Do all rock music has its own price, as the Russian rock was raised in the underground rockers and traditionally has always shunned publicity? - Who said that? When I was young, the group "Cinema" fraud. If this argument turns out that every man who has made a place should spend his whole life there. Think big. All those who participated in the bohemian modern rock music shown far from reality. After 11 After 11, the winner in the "hacking" - Do you think it is a form of rock music, and it is important for him to take to get the award? - Well, in my opinion, the rock has become much broader. Suitable under the concept of rock music some serious hard rock, and a gentle pop-rock. Musicians should not think about what style he plays. This is a matter of taste. We play pop-rock and folk songs in modern processing. - What do you think of fun to play: folk-rock, or is it? - This is a totally different experience. Original songs - is something very personal and folklore - a Russian genetics, we thank God, not foreign. - For you folk music also received awards. What are the prices that you really pleasant? - Frankly, the premium that we received today, more pleasant, more weighty because of it. This is another level. Previous winners were pleasantly different, we had just begun. While there was an international competition, but it still can not compare in scale with the "Chart Dozen." Today, we are a bit lost. - In my opinion, a very predictable victory. Is not it? - We did not know until recently. Hoped, thought connected the logic followed the voice, and really happy that we won. And it was hard to cope with the stadium, when most people are away in the stands? - When you hear that sing your song when the viewer is in contact with you, then it does not matter how many people before you. Just go out to eat and enjoy their energy, give your, and this cycle is a great pleasure. Vladimir Vladimir Shahrin Shahrin "Chaif" concert party, which I did not know most of the awards, but I think that the more different concerts going on, the better. Here, the man comes to a group of "pilot" that sound good in itself, but he does Garik Sukachev, and maybe he'll like it. This is useful for all. I like that night: We have a good Viskar, good company. Everything is great! Gleb Samoilov, "Agatha Christie", the winner in the "Legend" We were awarded a pensioner. "Legend" - it is something that was in principle justified step, because this year we are completing their concerts. But I think we still have time to get all the necessary reward. Ilya Ilya Damn Damn, "pilot", was a member of the concert, those prices! This is great! Bring them home, her mother says, "Mom, I got the award." She is happy: "Not for nothing, I mean everything is not free.". Saw on the TV mom. For all of us the same, and my mom is beautiful. Fans also. Although we are also beautiful. You can take a prize at the dress rehearsal, and sat, when suddenly something goes wrong, look at it and think that we are not so bad that someone appreciates us. This raises the soul. Garik Sukachev concert party Today I feel unspeakable joy, because we support the orchestra. Unfortunately we were not able to collect a large symphony orchestra, but be sure to do it here, in the "Olympic" in the fall in our concert. Generally good that it place in rock music, because the center channel was virtually no transfer that would highlight the rock, except for the channel "Culture", which shows the great Western films in the history of rock music, but unfortunately, shows nothing about the Russian skirt. for almost 40 years This award is very important for young girls and boys who are in the hall. And, frankly, everyone wants to forgive us. As if we did not say that we do not care, we want our work, our business, if we do it honestly assessed with love for life. This is very important. Finally, there is a prize! Julia Shershakova,

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