The "Star-Russia-Ukraine" will start on Channel 1 June. The summer musical sparring marathon attended by five former Russian and Ukrainian "factory". Max Barsky, Eva Bushmina, Eric Stas Shurin and "Dio movies" under the direction of Konstantin Meladze and Natalia - Our country will be represented by Dmitry Koldun, Polina Gagarina, Vlad Sokolovsky Dayneko and Dominik Joker by Igor Krutoy and Igor Matvienko and neighbors Mogilev. In the role of judges leads Victor Drobysh, Lolita, Yuri Nikitin and others, leading - John Churikova and Dmitry Shepelev. - Retro hit, in the third - place the worldwide hit, and then the final will - sing duets in the fourth, the first program that they have their own hit, which leads second: The project is based on the principle of classical music competitions for young artists based. The form of a "factory" will resemble a boxing match when she was elected by much of the country, from the trainers to party and their opponents put him against a fighter. Jury awards the victory of one of the participants, and these glasses are a plus for the team. Aired at 21.30 clock.
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