Famous singer of "Nepara" bite victims exotic flies. Lead singer of "Nepara" Victoria Talishinskaya returned from a holiday in the Dominican Republic. Singer was the fifth time in this paradise on earth. However, the rest was a bit of pampering. On the second day of carefree beach vacation Vicki deteriorated state of health, a high fever. First, the singer cheated malaise for acclimatization. However, when the temperature was around 38 for two days, Victoria went to the hospital. Victoria Talishinskaya analysis revealed that the cause of the fever was an allergic reaction to the sting of a local fly. It turned out that the singer has a rare allergy to an enzyme produced by the insect. Such a reaction, according to doctors, is found in a person, in 1000, so the bite of the fly for a person without allergies completely safe. Victoria Talishinskaya spent in the hospital day, she was given the necessary vaccinations, and the singer was back to a proper balance. - The Dominican Republic - an interesting country. I did it once was a few years ago, by the natural beauty of the Caribbean, was stunned. There is absolutely essential sea. Despite the fact that I came to the Dominican Republic for the fifth time, the first time I've done it, the world famous ancient caves, the walls represent to visit petroglyphs. This ancient rock paintings on Aboriginal life back into the Stone Age. It's very cool, literally feel the history of the ancient world. I came from the Dominican Republic, the full experience and strength. And also a little incident with a bite insidious flies are connected can not spoil my impressions of the journey "- says Victoria.
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