Lead singer of "Czyz and Komapaniya" Sergei Chigrakov only managed to blow his nose in between songs at his concert. Concert "Czyz and Company" on 20 February in Voronezh DC 50 Years of October was a full house. Coming up on stage and sang a few songs, Czyz turned into a chair, on the middle of the stage and put Timmy color set and began to blow his nose in one of them. Colds musician so worried because of his illness, he had asked him to prepare a concert organizer as many towels - they were lying on the seat of a chair, hung on his back, resting on the device. Sergei surrounded traded literally colorful scarves. However, this did not bother either the rocker or the fans. To make it to the end of the program, Siskin occasionally drink hot tea from commuter mug. The concert was over, and the artists left the stage (Siskin - grabbed their towels and moderators fans), but the audience did not want to let go of the idols. One of his original audience, and presented Sergei white shirt with the name "Siskin and the company." Up from a chair, clapped and shouted Voronezh Chizha. Musicians singing back-and yet a few hits before standing and dancing fans. Ivan Tolstoy, Voronezh, NEWSmusic.ru
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