Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Alex Aigi - music for the film "Fall of the Empire"

It is logical that a serious film shows serious music - no frills, austere, severe. Such qualities have the soundtrack to "fall of the empire ', the composer and conductor who wrote '4: 33'. Aleksei Aigi reaches a minimum of the maximum intensity of feeling was it to fate Alexei Aigi lengthy songs build on a sound But minimalism.. musical material are not on-simplicity as balanced created by the dynamics of the diversity of voices that are folded in the orchestral version fabric in intricate patterns. As it should be built on the classical laws of the product to the original theme of the prologue and the epilogue returns the mood around the product to give. Domination gloomy minor keys on the soundtrack creates a sense of fear and desperation. Fear of the unknown all the numbers and results through in irrational terror in the tracks' war was declared " "Danger". Orchestration that combines close to Shostakovich, with a leading role in the dynamic brass parts ('Fall of the Empire') and a soulful melody against a phantom division strings in the slow ("alignment") the Aigi with characteristic clarity of orchestral texture (' Dreams') is. The film "Fall of the Empire" - The history of the development of Russian espionage and acting in a difficult historical period, as Russia was shaken by the First World War, and then the Great October Socialist Revolution. But even without the visuals suspect that accompany certain number not hard. "Petersburg Night '- a romance Battle-piece -. '1918' Chronicle of the war -... 'Alps' in the soundtrack includes Russian State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography n / Sergei violins, whose high performance manifested in fullness As a bonus, the performed songs from the disk group "Lube 'called' Sister '- wrote the music for it, Igor Matvienko and poems belong to the unknown author of the First World War. The song was specially 'written, and despite the fact that it is far different from the academic symphonic soundtrack rooms, with music by Aigi heard surprisingly organic. Particularly impressive is the video for is' for the series "Fall of the Empire Sister', by one of your movie made. It allows you to get a pretty good idea of the picture. A few words on the cover CD. It is in the form of a yellow envelope burned paper, a stamp, a flying bomb and the wax seal, the 'Fall of the Empire "says made portrays. Symbolic. Natalia Svetlakova, Intermedia Real Records. Leave the disc in May.

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