Friday, May 24, 2013

Leo Slepner: We like gypsies, and it's fun!

"Marimba Plus" presented a new program called "Around the World." Program "Around the World" in Voronezh presents art-fusion band "Marimba Plus". Concert at the "Jazz Seasons" was held in the local philharmonic. There were songs in Spanish, Moldavian, Arabic, Indian and English, performed by Tatyana Shishkov. Listeners caught ethnic motifs, nature sounds, felt interweaving of jazz, electronic and classical music. This is what the famous works of Leo Slepner, the founder and director of "Marimba Plus". Contributed to travel the world of video art Matthew Romanenko. Before the concert Tatiana Shishkov and Leo Slepner spoke to reporters. Tatiana Shishkov and Leo Slepner spoke to reporters - Guys is dedicated to travel your new album. And they even enjoy various travel? Tatiana Shishkova: - I love traveling, I love being outdoors. Leo Slepner: - Travel - is an integral part of our lives. If we are more than a week in Moscow to begin to itch. Want to move somewhere. We are like gypsies, and it's fun. Although it is not to say that we all visited the country to dedicate the song. The new album contains songs India, Moldova, but we were not there. I went to Uganda, Spain, Croatia. Marimba, in which I play - an African instrument. We also have a Russian song, but no time to do it, it will be on the album. Author - Evgeny Lebedev. And speaking of that we want, when we play Russian music - so happy to do it. We are the authors of the festival "Etnodrayv" in Moscow presented Celtic melodies, played by the African drumming and singing Russian folk music. And it sounded so organic and believable that she thought - as it should be. - Probably, in this organic quality, the ability to speak clearly, the secret of their popularity ... Leo: - Yes, we have - Author music, and thanks to this we collect a lot of fans around the world. Three months ago, the songs hit the online stores, and we were surprised at how high. Interest in our music Jumped right into the top ten. We wrote all over the world, from countries that do not know - you read and want to find them all over the world. Actually ... We want to experiment. Although after the start of the academic training is difficult to improvise. And the desire for improvisation led us first to jazz. Now mix different styles. To create a composition of a country from the new album, heard a lot of music. We usually listen to music terabytes, is our favorite music on our website on the Internet. Tatiana: - The secret of the composer, he writes all the time, does not allow us to sleep. The audience could not take his eyes of Tatiana Shishkova - Leo, you have music for animated films and TV projects - In animation, we work with Julius Aronova, music for four films, including the film "Camilla" together with a large symphony orchestra. On French television free nine-part documentary on the cold steel, we wrote the music for this show. - Your audience something different depending on the geography? Tatiana: - The best students - not from capitals. Apparently, in Moscow and St. Petersburg nobody no surprise. People are living much, but they are not as hot as in other cities. Leo: - We gave two concerts in Basel, Switzerland. On the first show, there is not a lot of people, but we rejoice in the glory of hearing, and the next day people were many and a standing ovation. While in Europe the reaction to the music is usually "all in itself." In Russia, the listener is more emotional and open, and it's nice. Ivan Tolstoy, "News of Music» photos

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