Friday, May 3, 2013

Sergei Zverev Pugacheva sang: "With you it was good, but not enough to Allah ..."

Stylist Sergei Zverev sang. He has already recorded two songs and one of them intends in the near future to remove the clip. It is "Allah" ("brown hair") called, and of course, Alla Pugacheva, who has long worked dedicated Zverev. Recently in Voronezh and Podolsk he Pugacheva gave a joint show where the song "My snow boy" known stylist on stage to create hair primadonne.Bolee-actress kissed her on the lips, shoulders, hands and even feet. Therefore, the words of the song Lyubasha that says "love chestnut was fell on me, you good, but not enough, Alla ..." can be interpreted as a love letter to the stylist. After Lyubasha Sergei has an excellent ear and a very sexy voice, and not a professional singer, pretty easy to cope with the recording of the song. Alla had heard a new work, and said it made a future.

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