Friday, May 24, 2013

Yuri Bashmet: I have a secret of the violin. Paganini had a bad old

At the opening of the International Festival in Khabarovsk Yuri Bashmet told how he played in Italy on your knees bent and why prefer cheap bow for 70,000 euros. This is the second festival under the aegis of the indefatigable Yuri Bashmet in Khabarovsk, and this time, the program is more than one representative - in addition to the "Soloists of Moscow", Attorney Samuel Tatiana (Belgium), Massimo Merchelli (Italy), Umberto Clerici ( Italy), Ksenia Bashmet and the Far East Academic Symphony Orchestra. The programs are for six days, the first of which took place in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and we will be very dedicated to the children distributed. It was started nationwide with Khabarovsk selection Youth Symphony Orchestra, Yuri Bashmet, who created this year. A celebration began with a press conference at the Yuri Bashmet rapid response to unexpected questions. Yuri Bashmet - How interesting festival in Khabarovsk? - I always get the pleasure, as the idea is embodied. We talked about how nice it would be, what if it turns out that it is necessary, not only for us, the artists, and community leaders. It seems that the festival is a tradition. The program expanded - for example, we're going to go to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Moscow flowering violist Ira Sopova it - from there. Ira was on my contest prize is not only the viola, but also on the viola de amor. She has been teaching younger students. By the way, today I was asked if I was in Komsomolsk, for some reason I said it was, and then I thought, it seems. Probably because I often talk with Ira. - What has the choice of the festival? - Some work will be performed for the first time - Sollima, Kancheli (I've recently started to play it played until only "on the Elbe", in Bulgaria and Moscow "December Nights"), Takashi Yoshimatsu. Are foreign artists who had never been to Khabarovsk. I would also like to say about Berlioz. After the "Harold in Italy" I am full of fresh ideas. Berlioz began to compose it for Paganini, then you see the first part of the note, he said, do not play not a virtuoso, to pay money, but. And any part of the work reduced solo viola part. At the end - only two sets. A Paganini was impressed then viola, and he had a Stradivarius viola. When Paganini died in the room was 14 violins, 1 viola, that Stradivari. I've long been the idea one evening Paganini personal tools they sounded gather together. Paganini wrote several quartets from the solo viola, because he played the viola, and solo viola outweigh two violins and cello. A man from Genoa, with whom I agreed to collect the tools died. The task was the violin, viola, guitar and mandolin Paganini collect. Guitar found in a museum in Paris, they do not give it for any price. Violin by Paganini is in a private collection in Moscow, we convinced the owner to us. One evening Mandolin eliminated because it. Already in a working state Viola - in Japan "Tokyo Quartet." A fund acquired two violins, viola and cello by Stradivari and "Tokyo Quartet" plays only on her. First violin there by the way, at a time worked Misha Kapelman. There is a bear Jap ... Stradivarius viola was made to bring, because we "Tokyo Quartet" invited "December Nights", and the next day my concert. For the Japanese the next day departed, he was given a master class at the Conservatory, and he gives them to me. Incidentally case raises on the table. I started practicing and playing on very hard. Not have my friendship with him, I say to myself, "Poor Nicola!" And then during the show one note sounded brilliant. The attempt to repeat - is not working! That evening, I realized that he had a bad copy of Viola. Paganini and then turned away from him. Then I realized the secret to the incredible popularity of the violin, which raised so Paganini. He would have to play viola, to write 24 Caprices for Viola ... But summed bad copy viola! In the evening, I then spoke Japanese - I have such a wonderful viola, and I have to contract to play this "Paganini". Then I realized the secret of the incredible popularity of the violin - with Harold were likely to do some stories? - I had. You know, did judges come to the concert is in a tux, went to art, had his coat and went straight to the scene. And I had a concert in Italy with the "Harold in Italy" and my concert costumes have no time to ride. I'm dressed in jeans stretch and short-sleeved shirts. A concert on Italian radio broadcast. "Maestro, it's time to dress up." , 5 minutes before the shipment. Remains 1 minute. I think I'll play. Should a person gives me coat. Dress, drag a belt of jeans. I came from - and I understand that in your back pocket detail, heavy bags and no band. Entry goes, I support the jeans ... As a result I lost the position on curved! And it was our best performance! The press loved it. Wrote that Harold went into the mountains, he was more comfortable in jeans ... - How do you Far Symphony Orchestra? - I would say that the Far Eastern Symphony Orchestra plays very fast, today I have to rehearse with him. Distsiplirovanny orchestra. When they come to the best of times and is about three times higher, and ten times better tools ... But all pay for the better. All for the best - Tell us about a new work by Giya Kancheli, Chiaroscuro, which will perform at the festival. - We have seen each other for several years with Gia. When was worsened with Georgia, there are none. Ananiashvili had to go to Georgia because of her husband - the interior minister in Georgia. But we were up offense, but contacts were disrupted. "Styx" Kancheli I was playing regularly, once a year for sure. We caught up with Gia in the Netherlands, where I played his "liturgy." He gave me an account Chiaroscuro, gave the score - it is for the artist, who can play the viola and violin, tool change during the term. But, you know, I have "eaten" all this long. I asked him to do a version for viola. "At the same," I tried to meet for the first time. New in his language - very elongated phrases. Kancheli, because usually some evidence to prefer shade, so a lot of fantasy audience. And here - powerful phrasing, timpani from pianissimo to fortissimo, a full theme. Strong, deep, beautiful work. - You do not get tired of festivals because you're twelve! - I think it is important to play in Russia, to travel to all regions of our great country. By the way, just before leaving here in Moscow, I was discouraged. They say we are ten times better to do festival in Vladivostok, to go there. Not to Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. If I just do not fly to Khabarovsk. I refused. - Tell us about the formation of the All-Russian Youth Symphony Orchestra. Why would you encourage gifted children to move to Moscow? And so, go! - During the festival, the first audition for a new Youth Symphony Orchestra will be, I hope it will be for ever in the history of the festival line. The world has already orchestras. Some die quickly, some survive. We hope that the live band. Finals are eight children in all federal districts, then the choice of Moscow, where of 120 applicants to be 70 instead. Children will not take to Moscow, they are to stay on the ground. I hope to get the attention of the authorities to the music to the children in the schools. In many regions, a very bad situation with the children in the schools. Close Write letters to me that the school has resolved ... I fought a long time to recognize alto solo. It was very hard! There are a number of the order of the Ministry of Culture, which is, as written, should alto solo. It was a victory. Director of the orchestra will be me. And in the autumn the first concert of the orchestra in Moscow and Sochi will be in November, as part of the Music Olympics. Bandleader I want - Nostalgia our musicians have to go to go abroad? - I feel more like an artist when I go to Russia. We're not going anywhere. So as not to lose that in the subcortex -. Some special value of life Those who leave with an impressive career in the West - they are very sad about something. Someone comes back, someone is thinking about returning. Nostalgia is peculiar to us much more than a Frenchman who lives in Italy, or a German who lives in France. Russian man your house can not forget. Rostropovich also suffered. Where else can a meet - go on stage, and I'm the girl presents her embroidery - and before that a month before the concert, she wrote in a special circle of embroidery on their own hands to get me a gift. Where is this? Ride in Russia, and you feel a community home. - What kind of cuisine do you prefer? - I love the local cuisine. In France and Italy did not want vodka, just drink wine. And in Italy - Italian wine, not French, but it is also very good. Japan take only Japanese food. Should the musicians face emotions - I love the local cuisine? - It should be harmonious. Someone to dance, and this is normal. And for someone so much abuse. As she began to dance with the violin ten years ago ... or arch-sexy pianist who stands up for this tool ... C on the other hand, during the period of the Soviet Union accused, Natalia Gutman, it plays like a statue ", the stone may have a soul?" - It was just rude. - Are you OK with the tool? - I flew from Moscow, where he conducted the village hall Barvikha Kostya Khabensky. I opened the viola, and see why more recently begun to whistle viola - caught on the bow headband. I let him master Kochergin in Moscow. And the concert, I did not bring. I have two spare sheets. But what is interesting - I played with a bow, which I bought sometime in the 12 East German marks in the shops in the GDR. Master said to me: "We even have horses, ride the non stick Do not believe what you're playing this bow," and my free time sheet is now 70 000 euros, but I play on it is not love. I have my first bow, which I began as a rule uses the viola. Vadim Ponomarev, "News of Music» Photos by Yuri Bashmet "class =" tu_ql ">

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